PURPOSE: Older survivors of leukemia and lymphoma often experience long-term effects of chemotherapy. We described common concerns related to their cancer and treatment in older survivors of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and assessed correlates of these concerns. METHODS: We utilized data from the Womens Health Initiative (WHI) Life and Longevity After Cancer (LILAC) study that recruited post-menopausal women aged 50-79. Participants diagnosed with leukemia and NHL were included (n = 420). They were asked about 14 areas of current concerns related to their cancer and treatment and to rate each from 0 (no concern) to 2 (major concern), with total scores ranging from 0 to 28. Linear regression was used to assess factors correlated with the concern score, and logistic regression for factors correlated with the three most common concerns. RESULTS: Mean age at assessment was 81 years (range 69-99); 72% reported at least one concern, and median concern score among these survivors was 3.5 (Q1-Q3 2-5). Factors significantly correlated with concern scores were sadness, pain, distress, higher prior symptom count, and loneliness (all p < 0.05). Significant factors correlated with common concerns were (1) fatigue/sleep: sadness/depression, distress, higher prior symptom count, greater loneliness, and worse physical functioning; (2) physical functioning/activity: older age, public insurance, higher body mass index, pain, worse QoL, and higher treatment-related comorbidities; (3) memory/concentration: prior chemotherapy or radiation, worse QoL, higher prior symptom count, and greater loneliness (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS: Almost three-quarters of older survivors of leukemia and lymphoma reported at least one concern; a multifaceted intervention may be needed to address these concerns.