BACKGROUND: Adult patients with cholecystitis who do not undergo cholecystectomy on index admission have worse outcomes, however, there is a paucity of data of the role of cholecystectomy during index hospitalization in the pediatric population. Our aim was to determine outcomes and readmission rates among pediatric patients with cholecystitis who underwent index cholecystectomy versus those who did not. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study of pediatric (< 18 years old) admitted with acute cholecystitis (AC) requiring hospitalization using the 2018 National Readmission Database (NRD). Exclusion criteria included age ≥ 18 years and death on index admission. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with 30-day readmissions. RESULTS: We identified 550 unique index acute cholecystitis admissions. Mean age was 14.6 ± 3.0 years. Majority of patients were female (n = 372, 67.6%). Index cholecystectomy was performed in (n = 435, 79.1%) of cases. Thirty-day readmission rate was 2.8% in patients who underwent index cholecystectomy and 22.6% in those who did not (p < 0.001). On multivariable analysis, patients who did not undergo index cholecystectomy had higher odds of 30-day readmission than those who did not (OR 10.66, 95% CI 5.06-22.45, p < 0.001). Female patients also had higher odds of 30-day readmission compared to males (OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.31-8.69). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who did not undergo index cholecystectomy had over tenfold increase in odds of 30-day readmission. Further research is required to understand the barriers to index cholecystectomy despite society recommendations and clear clinical benefit.