Clink. Clank clink. Ink cling clong clang. Cank ling. Ang clang. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. Clock clink. Click. Click. Click click. Cling. Clink. Clink clock click. Clah cling clah clink. Clag king. Kink. Dink. Dank. Kank. Ka clang, clonk. Konp. Koh kah cloak clock klink donk. Dong kling. Pah. Klong. Kland. Dah koh. Onk. Donk. Dip. Ing dop. Dop drop drip. Drape kape. Drip. Drip. Drim dram. Dip kip. Rim ram. Hop. Hum. Dim. Kum. Dah dape. Dee. Drip. Drop. Krop din. Dink. Rang drahh. Rimmmm. Rahh dip. Doooo. Drum drip. Drip drip. Drip. Drip drrrr. Ahhhh. Ooooooo. Whooo. Ahhhhhhhhhh eee. Ooooo. Uhh. Ooooo. Ahhhhhh. Whahhhh. Whaaahh. Whahh. Wah. Wah wa wa wa. Wha. Whahh. Whahhhh ahhhhhhhhh.
Hearing process exposes the movement of audio; ice melts into a liquid - into a gas of overtones. What is perceived as music and what is perceived as sound emerges into a coexistent designed world of audio, sandbox style. Using Ableton Live, a MIDI controller and keyboard with a MacBook Pro and iPad, I explore the boundaries of sound and music and discover an evolving role in real-time. Listen how the function of audio becomes in conversation with a non-linear form for the interactive space generated.
Hearing process exposes the movement of audio; ice melts into a liquid - into a gas of overtones. What is perceived as music and what is perceived as sound emerges into a coexistent designed world of audio, sandbox style. Using Ableton Live, a MIDI controller and keyboard with a MacBook Pro and iPad, I explore the boundaries of sound and music and discover an evolving role in real-time. Listen how the function of audio becomes in conversation with a non-linear form for the interactive space generated.