The aim of this study was to distinguish bet-
ween three heuristic strategies proposed to ac-
count for the assignment of ambiguous prono-
uns: a subject assignment strategy, a paral-
lel function strategy and a pwallel order-of-
mention strategy. According to the subject
assignment strategy a pronoun is assigned to
a preceding subject noun phrase. A parallel
function strategy predicts that a pronoun will
be assigned to a noun phrase with a peirallel
grzunmatical function whereas a parallel order
strategy predicts that a pronoun will be a as-
signed to a noun phrase in a parallel position
in a previous clause. These strategies were te-
sted by examining the interpretation of ambi-
guous subject and non-subject pronouns. T h e
results showed a bias to assign a pronoun to a
preceding subject, suggesting the operation of
a subject assignment strategy. However, this
bias was reversed for non-subject pronouns.
These pronouns showed a bias to preceding
non-subjects with parallel grammatical roles,
thus supporting a parallel function hypothe-
sis. Finally, the subject assignment bias was
reduced w h e n a non-subject pronoun had a dif-
ferent grammaticaJ role from the non-subject
antecedent, thus supporting a parallel order-of-
mention strategy. W e conclude that all three
strategies m a y constrain the assignment of am-
biguous pronouns.