The aquaculture industry in North America produced 644 213 tonnes of product in 2008 with an estimated value of US$1.6 billion. This represents an annual percentage increase over the previous decade of 1.8 percent by volume and 4.5 percent in value. The finfish industry is at the forefront of the aquaculture sector, led by production of Atlantic salmon in Canada and channel catfish in the United States of America.
There is potential for significant increases in North American production and both the Canadian and United States governments have projections for expansion of their aquaculture industries. Canada estimates that by 2020 production in Canada could exceed 308 000 tonnes with a farmgate value of US$1.6 billion. The United States Department of Commerce estimates that domestic aquaculture production in the United States of America has the potential to increase in value from US$1 billion to more than US$3 billion by 2025. Future significant growth in the North American aquaculture industry will require policies and regulations that protect the environment while ensuring the economic viability of the sector in an increasingly competitive international arena.