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Dichotomous Key
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
This dichotomous key was developed to enhance 4-6
grade science during local place-based field trips and visits to Storke Wetland and North Campus Open Space and accompanies the dichotomous key activity lesson. The key is used to identify the accompanying set of organism “mystery cards.” Multiple double-sided key cards can be printed for small groups and can be cut and laminated for long-term use. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Coal Oil Point Reserve Shorebird Cards
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
These educational shorebird cards were developed to enhance 4-6
grade science during local place-based field trips and visits to Coal Oil Point Reserve. The set features 17 birds common to the California coast. The colorful cards can be printed, cut, and laminated for long-term use. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Food Web Lesson Cards
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
These printable cards feature images of organisms native to the central coast of California along with fun facts and accompant the Food Web Lesson Plans.
Nature Journaling Lesson
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
This activity lesson aims to connect 4-6
grade students to the riparian environment. The lesson was designed for Kids in Nature visits to the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, but may be adapted to any natural outdoor setting or to the classroom. Students are engaged by exploring their senses and writing their observations and reflections adjacent to the creek at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Dichotomous Key Lesson
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
This activity lesson aims to introduce 4-6
grade students to classification of organisms and use of a dichotomous key. This lesson was developed for Kids in Nature visits to Storke Wetland and North Campus Open Space, but may be adapted to other wetland habitats. Students are engaged in a fun game using the custom key to identify organisms on the accompanying cards with photos and clues. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Dichotomous Key Mystery Cards
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
These dichotomous key mystery cards were developed to enhance 4-6
grade science during local place-based field trips and visits to Storke Wetland and North Campus Open Space and accompany the dichotomous key activity lesson. The colorful mystery cards include photos of organisms that are identified using clues and the accompanying dichotomous key. Multiple sets of cards can be printed for small groups and can be cut and laminated for long-term use. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Animal Track Cards
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
These educational animal track cards were developed to enhance 4-6
grade science during local place-based field trips and visits to Coal Oil Point Reserve and accompanies the animal track activity lesson. The set features 27 animal tracks common to the California coast and includes clues to “what animal made this track?” and an answer on the back side. The double-sided black and white cards can be printed, cut, and laminated for long-term use. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Coal Oil Point Reserve Marine Algae Cards
Myers, Jan
Educational Materials
These educational seaweed cards were developed to enhance 4-6
grade science during local place-based field trips and visits to Coal Oil Point Reserve. The set features 9 alga common to the California coast including common and scientific names and accompanies the Coal Oil Point Reserve Marine Algae Activity Lesson Plan. The cards can be printed, cut, and laminated for long-term use. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Chaparral Fire Ecology Lesson
Myers, Jan
Lanes, Andrew
Educational Materials
This activity lesson aims to introduce 4-6
grade students to the ecological roles of wildfire and adaptations of chaparral plants to fire regimes. The lesson was designed for Kids in Nature visits to the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, but may be adapted to other chaparral plant communities or to the classroom. Students are engaged hands-on exploring the effects of fire on plants and evidence of recovery at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation
Flower Morphology Lesson
Myers, Jan
Thorsch, Jennifer
Educational Materials
This activity lesson aims to introduce 4-6
grade students to basic anatomy and morphology of flowers and was developed for Kids in Nature visits to the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) at UCSB, but may be adapted to any classroom, garden or outdoor setting. Students are engaged with exploration of flower diversity and hands-on dissection of specimens. The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education Program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California by providing quality environmental science education and experiences through place-based field trips, mentored by UCSB students in the Nature and Science Education Practicum, utilizing hands-on activities to bring K-12 students outdoors and to UCSB. The Kids in Nature program is supported by the
UCSB Coastal Fund
UCSB Office of Education Partnerships
Faculty Outreach Grants (FOG) Program and the
Mosher Foundation