We develop a new hybrid WKB technique to compute boundary-to-boundary
scalar Green functions in asymptotically-AdS backgrounds in which the
scalar wave equation is separable and is explicitly solvable in the
asymptotic region. We apply this technique to a family of
six-dimensional \frac{1}{8}18-BPS
asymptotically AdS_3\,\times\,3×S^33
horizonless geometries that have the same charges and angular momenta as
a D1-D5-P black hole with a large horizon area. At large and
intermediate distances, these geometries very closely approximate the
geometry of the black hole, but instead of having an event horizon,
these geometries have a smooth highly-redshifted
cap in the IR. We show that the response function of a scalar probe, in
momentum space, is essentially given by the pole structure of the
highly-redshifted global-AdS_33
modulated by the BTZ response function. In position space, this
translates into a sharp exponential black-hole-like decay for times
shorter than N_1 N_5N1N5,
followed by the emergence of evenly spaced “echoes from the cap,” with
period \sim N_1 N_5∼N1N5.
Our result shows that horizonless microstate geometries can have the
same thermal decay as black holes without the associated information