When asked to find the referent of a novel label, children
typically select an object that they cannot already name (the
“disambiguation effect”; Merriman & Bowman, 1998).
However, when the task required cross-modal extension of a
label, children did not show this effect (Scofield, Hernandez-
Reif, & Keith, 2009). In Experiments 1 and 2, preschoolers
learned a label for a visual object, then examined it and a
novel object by touch. On the critical trials, children were
asked to decide which tactile object was the referent of a
novel label. Four-year-olds only showed the disambiguation
effect if, prior to the label test, they had identified the tactile
object that matched the visual training object. The results of
Experiment 3 suggest that the 4-year-olds expected to be
asked about the matching object, which interfered with their
tendency to disambiguate. This discovery-based interference
appears to attenuate the use of common word learning