In this thesis we prove the following results.
1. We show that the multiplicity of the second normalized adjacency matrix eigenvalueof any connected graph of maximum degree Δ is bounded by nΔ^(7/5)/polylog(n) for
any Δ, and n*polylog(d)/polylog(n) for simple d-regular graphs when d is sufficiently large.
2. Let G be a random d-regular graph. We prove that for every constant α > 0, withhigh probability every eigenvector of the adjacency matrix of G with eigenvalue less
than −2√(d − 2) − α has Ω(n/polylog(n)) nodal domains.
3. For every d = p + 1 for prime p and infinitely many n, we exhibit an n-vertexd-regular graph with girth Ω(log_(d−1) n) and vertex expansion of sublinear sized sets
upper bounded by (d+1)/2 whose nontrivial eigenvalues are bounded in magnitude by
2√(d − 1) + O(1/log n). This gives a high-girth version of Kahale’s example showing
Ramanujan graphs can have poor vertex expansion.
4. Anantharaman and Le Masson proved that any family of eigenbases of the adjacencyoperators of a family of graphs is quantum ergodic, assuming the graphs satisfy
conditions of expansion and high girth. We show that neither of these two conditions
is sufficient by itself to imply quantum ergodicity (which is a form of delocalization).
These results although different in nature, all exhibit the utility of the structure of eigenvectors.The main ingredient in the first result is a polynomial (in k) lower bound on the
typical support of a closed random walk of length 2k in any connected graph, which in
turn relies on new lower bounds for the entries of the Perron eigenvector of submatrices
of the normalized adjacency matrix. The second result suggests Gaussian behavior of
eigenvectors of random regular graphs conjectured by Elon, a discrete analog of Berry’s
conjecture. The third result shows that properties that are sufficient to imply eigenvector
delocalization are not strong enough to imply vertex expansion. The theorems and examples
in the fourth result show why Anantharaman and Le Masson’s quantum ergodicity
result requires expansion both at a global scale (spectral expansion) and a local scale (high