There are considerable differences in language processing
skill among the normal population. A key question for
cognitive science is whether these differences can be ascribed
to variations in domain-general cognitive abilities,
hypothesized to play a role in language, such as working
memory and statistical learning. In this paper, we present
experimental evidence pointing to a fundamental memory
skill—chunking—as an important predictor of crossindividual
variation in complex language processing.
Specifically, we demonstrate that chunking ability reflects
experience with language, as measured by a standard serial
recall task involving consonant combinations drawn from
naturally occurring text. Our results reveal considerable
individual differences in participants’ ability to use chunk
frequency information to facilitate sequence recall. Strikingly,
these differences predict variations across participants in the
on-line processing of complex sentences involving relative
clauses. Our study thus presents the first evidence tying the
fundamental ability for chunking to sentence processing skill,
providing empirical support for construction-based
approaches to language.