The works assembled here are the initial outputs of the First International Summer Institute on Artificial Intelligence and Society (SAIS). The Summer Institute was convened from July 21 to 24, 2019 at the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) in Edmonton, in conjunction with the 2019 Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning Summer School. The Summer Institute was jointly sponsored by the AI Pulse project of the UCLA School of Law (funded by a generous grant from the Open Philanthropy Project) and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), and was coorganized by Ted Parson (UCLA School of Law), Alona Fyshe (University of Alberta and Amii), and Dan Lizotte (University of Western Ontario). The Summer Institute brought together a distinguished international group of 80 researchers, professionals, and advanced students from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise, for three days of intensive mutual instruction and collaborative work on the societal implications of AI, machine learning, and related technologies. The scope of discussions at the Summer Institute was broad, including all aspects of the societal impacts of AI, lternative approaches to their governance, and associated ethical issues.