People systematically deviate from the rational Bayesian updating of beliefs, as notably evidenced by conservatism and base-rate neglect. The primary cognitive models that explain these biases include simple heuristics (Woike et al., 2023, and stochastic sampling approximations of the Bayesian solution, like the Bayesian Sampler (Zhu et al., 2020, However, neither type of explanation appears entirely complete, as the data fall between the two; only about half of participants' responses align with heuristics. Could these results be explained by a new class of models that blend heuristics with Bayesian models? We test both simple mixtures of heuristics and the Bayesian Sampler, as well as a hybrid model in which heuristics are used to set a prior that improves estimates based on stochastic samples. Our analysis indicates that neither heuristics nor the Bayesian Sampler alone are sufficient to explain the data.