Latin America in global governance is the humanist of the world; the history of its colonization and depopulation of indigenous people, independence from incompetent monopolist, and struggle to maintain their sovereignty today place them at the forefront of humanity. Latin American politics is unique in the world because on an international level, they protect, defend, and advocate the equality of all human beings regardless of national origin, and second, nations around the world can adopt the Latin American courter--‐ hegemonic model and seek their own development. Through diplomatic modes of interactions, sovereign nations in Latin America have surpassed bilateral negotiations with each other and the region to, in 1945, all become founding members of the global institution of multilateral forums known as the United Nations (UN).
The United Nations provides the forum for nations to collaborate on issues of global impact and concern such as economic development, peace and security, environmental protection, and most important, human rights. More than sixty years from its inception, the United Nations has failed to curtail nuclear proliferation, economic inequality for the majority of the seven billion people of the world, and the over sixty wars that have ensued since. Despite the existence of the Security Council, of which solely five countries have both permanent status and the right to veto, and the General Assembly comprised of ninety--‐ seven percent of the world's governments, have not been able to use their resources and cooperation to prevent human rights violations and environmental degradation that threatens all life on earth; while man cannot prevent natural disasters their economic development and exponential population growth does stress the ecosystems and their ability to sustain life. Because individual interest can manifest their dominance though monopolistic and authoritative bodies on national levels, international relations can reveal why inaction during humanitarian crisis and the scarcity of technologic, economic, and human resources to remedy destruction are ineffective in global governance but surprisingly effective through the actions of powerful individuals and group coalitions. The junction between nations representing individuals on an international level, and individuals representing their interest internationally, in its reflexive analysis provides the foundation to assess that Latin America is the lobbying force behind the universal enforcement of respect for human rights.