Across languages there are certain characteristics
which they share. Linguists, trying to explain lan-
guage universals, have c o m e up with different theo-
ries: They argue for (1) the innateness of general
linguistic principles, (2) the communicative func-
tions reflected in linguistic structure, (3) the psy-
chological d e m a n d s placed upon language users, or
(4) grammar-internal explanations. This paper tries
to explain s o m e of the morphological universals in
the framework of a connectionist network, support-
ing the third approach. Employing simple recurrent
networks, a series of experiments were done on var-
ious types of morphological rules. T h e results show
that the model's performance mirrors the extent to
which the different types of rules occur in natural
languages. The paper explains how the model has
discovered these universals.