The current study asks when children begin to understand that
when an object is added to a set, the numerosity of the set has
increased regardless of set size. This knowledge can be
expressed algebraically as ‘x + 1 > x’. In Experiment 1, 3- to
5-year-old children were asked to reason about
transformations (i.e., addition, subtraction, rearrangement)
performed on a visible set of objects. We found that 5-yearolds
were able to reason about how each transformation
affected numerosity, and 4-year-olds showed limited
understanding. In Experiment 2, children were asked to
reason about transformations performed on a hidden set of
objects. Similar results were found. Together, we showed that
the ability to reason about number algebraically develops
gradually between the ages of 3 and 5. Implications for
number word acquisition were discussed