We discuss here conceptual change and the formation of robustlearning outcomes from the viewpoint of complex dynamicsystems, where students’ conceptions are seen as context de-pendent and multifaceted structures which depend on the con-text of their application. According to this view the conceptualpatterns (i.e. intuitive conceptions) may be robust in a cer-tain situation but are not formed, at last not as robust ones, inanother situation. The stability is then thought to arise dynami-cally in a variety of ways and not so much mirror rigid ontolog-ical categories or static intuitive conceptions. We use compu-tational modelling in understanding the generic dynamic andemergent features of that phenomenon. The model shows howcontext dependence, described here through structure of epis-temic landscape, leads to formation of context dependent ro-bust states. The sharply defined nature of these states makeslearning to appear as a progression of switches from state toanother, given appearance of conceptual change as switch fromone robust state to another.