Due to the lack of deployment of a network-layer multicast service,
many overlay multicast protocols have been designed and deployed across the
Internet to support content distribution. To our knowledge, however, none have
provided a rigorous analysis of the problem or the effectiveness of their
proposed solutions. Here, we set aside the engineering challenges of protocol
design to focus on the fundamental graph problem. We begin by formulating the
Overlay Network Content Distribution (OCD) problem and show that variants that
attempt to optimize for either speed or bandwidth utilization are NP-complete.
Using both a time-indexed Integer Program and a branch-and-bound search
strategy, we calculate optimal solutions for small graphs. While solutions to
OCD provide performance bounds, realistic deployment scenarios will not have
global network information. Hence, we introduce an on-line variant, the
Local-knowledge Overlay Content Distribution (LOCD) problem and show that no
constant-competitive approximation exists. Instead, we present several
heuristics that perform well in realistic topologies. We conclude with an
evaluation of our global and local heuristics and enumerate a number of open
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS2005-0824