The history of astronomy has shown that new methods of sensing open new windows to the universe and often lead to unexpected discoveries. Quantum sensor networks in combination with traditional astronomical observations are emerging as a novel modality for multi-messenger astronomy. Here we develop a generic analysis framework that uses a data-driven approach to model the sensitivity of a quantum sensor network to astrophysical signals heralding beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) physics. The analysis method evaluates correlations between sensors to search for BSM signals coincident with astrophysical triggers such as black hole mergers or supernovae. Complementary to traditional astroparticle searches, quantum sensors are also sensitive to wavelike signals from exotic quantum fields. This analysis method can be applied to networks of different types of quantum sensors, such as atomic clocks, matter-wave interferometers, and nuclear clocks, which can probe many types of interactions between BSM fields and standard model particles.
We use this analysis method to carry out the first direct search for BSM fields emitted during a black hole merger. Specifically we use the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics (GNOME) to perform a search for exotic low-mass field (ELF) bursts generated in coincidence with a gravitational wave signal from a binary black hole merger (S200311bg) detected by LIGO/Virgo on the 11th of March 2020. The associated gravitational wave heralds the arrival of the ELF burst that interacts with the spins of fermions in the magnetometers. This enables GNOME to serve as a tool for multi-messenger astronomy. Our search found no significant events, and consequently we place the first lab-based limits on combinations of ELF production and coupling parameters.
The Heavy Unseen Neutrinos from Total Energy-momentum Reconstruction experiment uses missing-mass reconstruction to search for sterile neutrinos with masses in the 20-280 keV range. Radioactive 131-Cs contained in a magneto-optical trap undergoes electron capture decay, giving only low-energy products- a recoil 131-Xe ion, an x-ray, Auger electron(s), and the neutrino. All the charged decay products are detected with high solid angle efficiency and high resolution using Reaction-Ion Microscope spectrometers, and x-rays are detected with position-sensitive thin scintillator arrays. We report progress towards the first ever 131-Cs MOT and most precise measurement of its hyperfine structure.