In causal inference, people place greatest weight on cases where a hypothesized cause and its outcome are simultaneously
present, potentially reflecting a positive test or confirmatory strategy. We hypothesized that individuals may display
more confirmation seeking when an outcome has few, versus many, causal alternatives and that this relation may vary with
actively open-minded thinking (AOT) or need for cognition (NFC). Subjects learned about implausible or plausible causes
of outcomes that had many or few causal alternatives (e.g., stress vs. colon cancer). On each of 16 trials, subjects received
frequency data and made a causal judgment, after which they completed the AOT and NFC scales. As hypothesized, subjects
weighted confirming data more heavily with fewer vs. many causal alternatives, but this relationship only held for plausible
causes. AOT interacted with causal alternatives: With few alternatives, AOT was unrelated to data-weighting. However, with
many alternatives, data-weighting increased with increases in AOT.