Optimal cardiovascular health is an essential component of human health and well-being across the life course. Heart healthy practices around diet, physical activity, and sleep early in childhood have the potential to greatly improve lifespan and quality (Mehta et al., 2020). Early childhood routines, defined as functional practices that are predictable and repeatable, predict positive growth and development across the lifecourse (Fiese et al., 2002; Ferretti and Bub, 2017; Spagnola and Fiese, 2007). The American Heart Association has identified key heart healthy routines, such as daily regular activities including diet, physical activity, and sleep that promote cardiovascular health (Lloyd-Jones et al., 2022). Integrating the strength-based relational aspects of routines with the acquisition of cardiovascular health development capabilities allows children to establish their own optimal cardiovascular health trajectory early on. A systematic life course approach to supporting heart healthy routines in early childhood would inform clinical, research, and policy strategies to promote long-term cardiovascular health, and contribute to reducing inequalities in cardiovascular outcomes.