Conveying referential intention is essentially important to cooperate with others. It is reported that even adults some-times take ego-centric perspective (i.e., perspective that is based on one’s own perspective ignoring other’s perspective) incomprehending others utterances. In the present study we used a modified version of Keysars paradigm of 4x4 grid, andexamined whether the interpretation of the instruction by the addressee was affected by the directors use of two social-pragmatics aspects; demonstratives and gestures. Results showed if the director did not use a demonstrative and handpointing, the addressees interpreted the object from ego-centric perspective. In contrast, if the director used a demon-strative and hand pointing, the addressees correctly interpreted the referred object showing their use of the directorsperspective. The result suggested that demonstratives and hand pointing may promote the addressees interpretation basedon the directors perspectives.