In production, frequently used words are preferentially
extended to new, though related meanings. In comprehension,
frequent exposure to a word instead makes the learner
confident that all of the word’s legitimate uses have been
experienced, resulting in an entrenched form-meaning
mapping between the word and its experienced meaning(s).
This results in a perception-production dissociation, where the
forms speakers are most likely to map onto a novel meaning
are precisely the forms that they believe can never be used
that way. At first glance, this result challenges the idea of
bidirectional form-meaning mappings, assumed by all current
approaches to linguistic theory. In this paper, we show that
bidirectional form-meaning mappings are not in fact
challenged by this production-perception dissociation. We
show that the production-perception dissociation is expected
even if learners of the lexicon acquire simple symmetrical
form-meaning associations through simple Hebbian learning.