Perceptual variables such as perceived distance contain
information about future actions. Often our goals involve the
integration of another’s goals, such as lifting heavy objects
together. The purpose of this study was to investigate how
another’s actions might influence one’s own goal-oriented
perceptions, specifically, verbal distance estimates. Using a
within-subject paradigm, we replicated a well-known finding
that carrying a weighted backpack results in larger distance
estimates relative to not carrying a backpack. In a crucial
second condition, this effect was reversed: distance estimates
were significantly greater when not carrying a weighted
backpack than when carrying a backpack. In this condition,
participants provided distance estimates while wearing a
weighted backpack during the first phase and then gave
estimates while not wearing a backpack, but following an
experimenter wearing a weighted backpack in the second
phase. Three additional conditions systematically documented
how the observations of another’s actions influenced distance