Dynamic gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows the investigation of liver function through the observation of the perfusion and uptake of contrast agent in the parenchyma. Voxel-by-voxel quantification of the contrast uptake rate (k1 ) from dynamic gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI through the standard dual-input, two-compartment model could be susceptible to overfitting of variance in the data. The aim of this study was to develop a linearized, but more robust, model. To evaluate the estimated k1 values using this linearized analysis, high-temporal-resolution gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI scans were obtained in 13 examinations, and k1 maps were created using both models. Comparison of liver k1 values estimated from the two methods produced a median correlation coefficient of 0.91 across the 12 scans that could be used. Temporally sparse clinical MRI data with gadoxetic acid uptake were also employed to create k1 maps of 27 examinations using the linearized model. Of 20 scans, the created k1 maps were compared with overall liver function as measured by indocyanine green (ICG) retention, and yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.72. In the 27 k1 maps created via the linearized model, the mean liver k1 value was 3.93 ± 1.79 mL/100 mL/min, consistent with previous studies. The results indicate that the linearized model provides a simple and robust method for the assessment of the rate of contrast uptake that can be applied to both high-temporal-resolution dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and typical clinical multiphase MRI data, and that correlates well with the results of both two-compartment analysis and independent whole liver function measurements.