In recent times, there has been a significant interest in low-dimensional materials due totheir unique electronic, optical, magnetic, and topological properties that differ from 3D
bulk materials. This dissertation focuses on a specific class of 1D carbon structures known as
graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), which can be synthesized atomically with precision through
a bottom-up method. The theoretical tools employed in this study are primarily topological
theory and quantum many-body first-principles calculations.
Chapter 1 introduces some basics about density functional theory, GW many-body perturbation
theory and the Belthe-Salpeter equation. Chapter 2 of this dissertation delves into
the topology of GNRs when chiral symmetry is approximately maintained. Building on
this theory and in collaboration with experimentalists, Chapter 3 explores a metallic 1D
nanowire known as saw-tooth GNRs, while Chapter 4 investigates various quantum dot systems
with unique bonding and anti-bonding characters. In Chapter 5, a different type of
metallic GNRs is studied using zero-mode (topologically protected in-gap electronic states)
engineering. Chapter 6 takes the study beyond the Hermitian Hamiltonian and introduces
the non-Hermitian skin effect. When 1D or 0D structures are interconnected, nanoporous
graphene is formed. Its electronic properties are studied in Chapter 8. Furthermore, Chapter
9 examines a carbon kagome lattice’s excitonic properties. The content of each Chapter is
elaborated as the following:
• Chapter 1 provides a foundational understanding of density functional theory (DFT)
for ground state properties by introducing the Kohn-Sham equation and different functionals.
We also discuss the GW perturbation theory, which allows us to incorporate
many-body effects into our calculations of excited-state properties. Specifically, we
explore how the GW method can be utilized to calculate quasi-particle excitations.
To study the two-particle excitation problem for optical properties, we introduce the
Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) method. This equation provides a framework for calcu2
lating the interaction between an excited electron and the hole it leaves behind, which
is crucial for understanding optical properties such as absorption and emission spectra.
• In Chapter 2, we examine GNR structures under the first nearest neighbor tightbinding
model, assuming chiral symmetry holds. In this scenario, we utilize the first
Chern number to obtain a Z index for general 1D materials. From the general Z
index formula, we derive the Chiral phase index in vector form, which enables us to
obtain the analytic Z index formula for all types of unit cells in GNRs. Finally, we
explore a spin-chain formed by topological junction states that exhibit strong spin-spin
• Chapter 3 builds on the chiral classification theory introduced in Chapter 2 by utilizing
the topological junction states as building blocks and connecting them in a symmetric
manner to form a 1D metallic nanowire. We use first-principles DFT calculations to
study the electronic bandstructure, local density of states (LDOS), and mapping of
wavefunctions. Our results are then compared with experimental STM measurements,
and we achieve good agreement. In addition, we also investigate the topological properties
of asymmetrically connected structures, and the predicted junction/end state
matches well the corresponding experimental evidence.[2]
• In Chapter 4, we employed the topological junction states that arise from the connection
between 7-armchair graphene nanoribbons (7AGNR) and 9-armchair graphene
nanoribbons (9AGNR) to construct topological quantum dots. We investigated two
distinct types of quantum dots by means of DFT calculations, with the aim of studying
their electronic properties, such as the bonding and anti-bonding traits of their valence
and conduction states. In addition, we devised a tight-binding theory to elucidate the
underlying factors contributing to the characteristics of the wavefunctions.[3]
• In Chapter 5, we focus on a different variety of metallic graphene nanoribbon (GNR)
called Olympicene GNRs that does not exhibit the Stoner instability, which was observed
in the sawtooth GNRs presented in Chapter 3. This new GNR features coveshaped
edges, and its low-energy behavior is governed by zero modes. The most notable
distinction between this GNR and the sawtooth GNR is that the nearest zero modes
localize on different sublattices, leading to a significant increase in electron hopping
and precluding any magnetic instability. To verify this, we conduct DFT calculations
and compare our findings with experimental observations.
• In Chapter 6, we explore the topology of 1D non-Hermitian systems, extending our
analysis beyond Hermitian topological classification. Specifically, we investigate a 1D
non-Hermitian system with no symmetry constraints, and use a Z index that can
be employed to classify such systems. We examine the well-known skin effect for
non-trivial non-Hermitian topological models and identify a promising GNR material,
Co-4AGNR, which could potentially be realized in experiments. By conducting firstprinciples
DFT and full-frequency GW calculations, we establish that the material
exhibits non-trivial topology. Lastly, we present evidence of the asymmetric transport
properties in this material by calculating the Green’s function for a finite segment of
this system.
• In Chapter 7, we examine the 2D carbon structure that results from linking 1D metallic
GNRs. To accomplish this, we created a theoretical model with low energy states
using modes that are found in the pentagons located at the edge of GNRs as the
bases. This effective tight-binding model provides a description of a unique, distorted
super-graphene. We also conducted DFT calculations and compared our findings with
experimental results provided by our colleagues.[4]
• Chapter 8 focuses on the examination of a kagome lattice that is formed by linking
triangulene building blocks. This unique structure was predicted to exhibit excitonic
insulator (EI) behavior. In partnership with experimentalists, we conducted an investigation
of the electronic properties of this structure using multiple levels of theory,
such as DFT, GW-BSE, and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory. Our research
revealed that DFT based single-particle theory was insufficient for accurately capturing
the features of the LDOS map observed in STM measurements. By incorporating a
BCS-like theory for condensation of excitons, we were able to provide an explanation
for the experimental observations.[5]
In addition to the projects above, I was also involved in 3 other projects, including one
studying the color center in twisted BN [6], one studying the kondo effect in magnetic Ndoped
chevronGNR [7], one studying the pseodo-atomic orbitals in graphene nanoribbons [8].
These research projects are also very interesting, but beyond the scope of this dissertation.