The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS) was an infrastructure program designed to facilitate communication and sharing of research ideas and methodologies among researchers in the social and behavioral sciences. The CSISS approach to integrating knowledge across disciplines and paradigms was achieved by broadening the user base of spatially integrated social science (SISS)—cartographic visualization, geographic information systems (GIS), pattern recognition, spatially sensitive statistical analysis, and place-based search methodologies. The Center’s programs made use of Web technologies to promote accessibility to these tools and to related information, foster opportunities for scholars to learn about and master spatial methodologies, and provide intellectual foci for engaging a broad range of scholars in intensive discussion and program development.CSISS was founded in 1999 with the aid of a five-year award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), under its program of support for the development of research infrastructure in the social and behavioral sciences. This report to NSF summarizes the contributions made by the center from its inception until December, 2005, at the end of a one-year no-cost extension.