This study aims to determine whether a novel cervical cancer screening toolkit will increase rates of pap test completion and HPV vaccination among Somali women living in the United States. We conducted a randomized controlled, pilot trial from June 2021 to February 2022. Somali women aged 21 to 70 were randomized to either receive a toolkit (infographic, video and an in-person health seminar) or not. Health passports confirming a completed pap test and/or HPV vaccination by clinician signature were used to measure outcomes. The primary outcome was pap test completion and the secondary outcome was HPV vaccination. We enrolled 57 participants. Patients randomized to the treatment arm were significantly more likely to have had a pap test (53.7% vs. 3.7%, p < 0.0001) and were also more likely to have received the HPV vaccine (10.7% vs. 3.7%, p = 0.6110). This toolkit increased rates of pap test completion and more participants in the intervention arm received HPV vaccination, though numbers were low. The study design may serve as a reproducible model to determine the effectiveness of patient education materials.