Semiconductor nanostructures are ideal candidates for non- metallic plasmonic materials that operate in the near- to mid-infrared range. In contrast to metal nanostructures, semiconductor nanomaterials have the advantage of possessing tunable carrier concentrations. However, unlike metal nanoparticles which are already widely exploited in plasmonics, little is known about the shape-dependent localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) and near- field electromagnetic behavior of semiconductor nanocrystals. Moreover, a major challenge in the fabrication of plasmonic semiconductor nanomaterials is the ability to control LSPRs by independently varying the size, shape, and carrier density of the nanocrystal. In this dissertation, I describe colloidal synthetic methods for fabricating shaped Cu₂-xS nanocrystals in which the morphology and stoichiometry of Cu₂-xS can be modulated. These shaped Cu₂-xS nanocrystals are used to observe the plasmon response for specific LSPR modes. Specifically, I discuss the plasmon response of Cu₂-xS nanodisks as a model nanocrystal system. I demonstrate that LSPR wavelength can be tuned by independently varying the aspect-ratio of the disk and the overall carrier density of the nanocrystal. Increased carrier density in Cu₂-xS occurs with oxidation and the formation of copper vacancies, an effect which can be suppressed by carrying out synthesis under an inert atmosphere. Using post- synthetic oxidation, Cu₂-xS nanodisks achieve a critical carrier density beyond which the nanocrystals undergo an irreversible phase change, which limits tuning capability. To circumvent this, I use a solvothermal process to generate nanodisks with different crystal phases that enable carrier densities beyond this critical limit. This dissertation also explores the differences in near-field coupling between Cu₂-xS nanodisks. These experiments were carried out on self-assembled two-dimensional nanodisk arrays. Varying nanodisk orientation produces a dramatic change in the magnitude and polarization direction of the local field generated by LSPR excitation. Moreover, plasmonic coupling is only observed for Cu₂-xS phases that possess carrier densities above a critical value. Overall, this dissertation provides new methods for tuning the plasmonic response of semiconductor nanocrystals by controlling size, shape, and carrier density. It also demonstrates new strategies for designing electromagnetic junctions or coupled plasmonic architectures that operate in the infrared using nanocrystals as building blocks