Recent work has begun to investigate how structured relations
can be learned from non-relational and distributed input
representations. A difficult challenge is to capture the human
ability to evaluate relations between items drawn from distinct
categories (e.g., deciding whether a truck is larger than a
horse), given that different features may be relevant to
assessing the relation for different categories. We describe an
extension of Bayesian Analogy with Relational
Transformations (BART; Lu, Chen & Holyoak, 2012) that
can learn cross-category comparative relations from
autonomously-generated and distributed input representations.
BART first learns separate representations of a relation for
different categories and creates second-order features based
on these category-specific representations. BART then learns
weights on these second-order features, resulting in a
category-general representation of the relation. This
hierarchical learning model successfully generalizes the
relation to novel pairs of items (including items from different
categories), outperforming a flat version of the learning