There are cross-linguistics differences in the type of verb used
to describe placement events. Dutch uses semantically specific
placement verbs (zetten, leggen), whereas English uses a
semantically general placement verb (put). This semantic focus
is reflected in speaker’s gestures, which can be specific and
object-focused by showing object-incorporating handshapes,
or not. This study investigates the semantic placement event
focus of Dutch L2 speakers of English, by investigating verb
use and gesture production in placement event descriptions.
Results showed that placement verb production was native-
like, with a majority correct usage of put. However, gesture
production showed many object-incorporating handshapes,
similar to L1 Dutch gesture production. These results suggest
that although the Dutch L2 speakers of English sounded native-
like in speech, they were still trying to express Dutch-like
placement verb meaning, by showing a continued focus on the
object, as expressed in their gesture production.