Social media platforms offer opportunities for targeted health communication ads to improve tobacco and cannabis prevention efforts. This study described tobacco and cannabis-related ads targeted towards adolescents and young adults on Snapchat. Data comprised of publicly available tobacco (n = 70) and cannabis-related (n = 64) ads from Snapchat in 2019. Identified themes included: Health consequences (Health effects of tobacco or cannabis use), Financial & legal consequences (Adverse financial or legal implications of substance use), Quitting (Resources for cessation), Industry tactics (Tobacco industry misleads individuals), Policy advocacy (Cannabis law reforms or legalization). Ad performance metrics included average Ad Impressions (number of views per ad) and Ad Spend (cost per ad). Ads were also categorized by Sponsoring Organizations (Government or Advocacy organizations). Health Consequences was the predominant theme followed by Quitting among tobacco-related ads. Government organizations sponsored most tobacco-related ads. Tobacco-related ads targeting adolescents received mean = 4,122,071 impressions and cost mean = $10,385.6 per ad. Tobacco-related ads targeting young adults received mean = 2,151,217 impressions and cost mean = $5,382.1 per ad. Health Consequences was a predominant theme among cannabis-related ads followed by Policy Advocacy. Advocacy organizations sponsored most cannabis-related ads targeting young adults. Cannabis-related ads targeting adolescents received mean = 415,293.8 impressions and cost mean=$793.92 per ad. Cannabis-related ads targeting young adults received mean = 293,267.7 impressions, and cost mean = $740.58. Government and advocacy organization sponsored ads reached millions of adolescents and young adults on Snapchat. Prevention campaigns may consider these number of impressions and cost per ad by theme when designing platform specific ads in the future.