Improving ion transport in the electrolyte is important for developing lithium-ion batteries that can meet increasingly demanding applications, including low temperature cycling and fast charging. All practical battery electrolytes are composed of concentrated solutions that are difficult to fully characterize due to ion-ion interactions, cation solvation, and thermodynamic nonidealities. Although conductivity is often used as the primary metric to screen the viability of a given electrolyte, electrolytes are only fully described with two additional transport properties – the salt diffusion coefficient and cation transference number with respect to the solvent velocity – and a thermodynamic factor. Newman’s concentrated theory provides a framework to study these properties, which has been extensively used to describe polymer electrolytes. This methodology involves four independent experiments that can be combined to determine the cation transference number. Error from each experiments compounds and reduces precision in the derived transference number. Characterization of liquid electrolytes poses additional challenges because of the inherent reactivity against lithium metal.
In this Dissertation, we present and implement a new method for characterizing liquid electrolytes by combining electrochemical methods with electrophoretic NMR. In Chapter 2, we detail this novel methodology for characterizing bulk ion transport in liquid electrolytes for an exemplar electrolyte, LiTFSI salt dissolved in tetraglyme. Electrochemical characterization involves ac impedance spectroscopy to measure conductivity, restricted diffusion to measure salt diffusion coefficient, polarization experiments to measure current fraction, and concentration cells to measure the change in open circuit potential with respect to log of molality. In accordance with traditional methods, these four experiments are combined to give estimates of the transference number and thermodynamic factor. The intrinsic coupling between parameters obtained by electrochemical methods results in large error bars in the transference number that obscure the transport behavior of the electrolyte. We use electrophoretic NMR to directly determine electric- field-induced cation, anion, and solvent velocities to determine the cation transference number. Electrophoretic NMR more precisely determines cation transference numbers and additionally enables precise determination of the thermodynamic factor. This method demonstrates a more robust approach for complete characterization of battery electrolytes.
We use and evaluate this methodology for the remainder of the dissertation. In Chapter 3, we examine the issues of low temperature ion transport. Sluggish ion transport through the electrolytic phase leads to poor performance at low temperatures for rechargeable batteries. We study the dependence of transport and thermodynamic properties over a wide temperature range, between ‐20 and 45°C. At cold temperatures, species in the electrolyte tend to move slower, leading to decreases in conductivity, salt diffusion coefficient, and cation and anion velocities. However, the cation transference number can have a nonmonotonic dependence on temperature depending on salt concentration. This behavior is strongly linked to the solvent velocity. The overall impact of worsened transport at cold temperatures is a predicted steady current for a given polarization that’s two orders of magnitude lower than at warm or ambient temperatures.
Chapter 4 reexamines the discrepancy in the transference number between electrochemical methods and electrophoretic NMR. We use concentrated solution theory to predict concentration and potential gradients using two methods – one based on transference numbers from electrochemical methods and one based on transference number measured via electrophoretic NMR. Due to more negative transference numbers, the modeled concentration gradients are larger for electrochemical methods compared to electrophoretic NMR. We find that the expected potential gradients, however, are remarkably similar. Based on current-voltage relationships alone, it is not possible to distinguish between the two transference numbers, calling into question the unique determination of this parameter.
In Chapters 5 and 6, we further examine ion transport in glyme-based electrolytes. In Chapter 5, we examine the impact of chain length on ion transport in oligoether solvents, including tetraglyme, pentaglyme, and octaglyme. We find adding even one repeat unit to the solvent drastically lowers conductivity, diffusion coefficient, and cation and anion velocities. The transference numbers measured in these three electrolytes shows a characteristic “V-shaped” dependence on salt concentration. The minimum in the transference number is well predicted by cation solvation motifs determined in molecular dynamic simulations. In Chapter 6, we study the impact of high salt concentration on transport properties. Similar to the results of Chapter 3 and Chapter 5, we find increased viscosity at high salt concentrations causes a decrease in conductivity, salt diffusion coefficient, and cation and anion velocities. At high salt concentrations, we also find the transference number is near or below zero. Predicted concentration and potential gradients indicate concentration polarization is much worse at high concentrations due to the worsening of transport properties.
This work describes a new, robust methodology for studying ion transport in liquid electrolytes. This technique is used to evaluate the impact of various factors on ion transport, including temperature, salt concentration, and solvent chain length.