This research tests whether analogical processing ability is
present in 3-month-old infants. Infants are habituated to a series
of analogous pairs, instantiating either same (e.g., AA, BB,
etc.) or different (e.g., AB, CD, etc.), and then tested with
further exemplars of the relations. If they can distinguish the
familiar relation from the novel relation, even with new
objects, this is evidence that for analogical abstraction across
the study pairs. In Experiment 1, we did not find evidence of
analogical abstraction when 3-month-olds were habituated to
six pairs instantiating the relation. However, in Experiment 2,
infants showed evidence of analogical abstraction after
habituation to two alternating pairs (e.g., AA, BB, AA, BB...).
Further, as with older groups, rendering individual objects
salient disrupted relational learning. These results demonstrate
that 3-month-old infants are capable of analogical comparison
and abstraction. Our findings also place limits on the conditions
under which these processes are likely to occur. We discuss
implications for theories of relational learning.