When asked to assess the deductive validity of an argument,
people are influenced by their prior knowledge of the content.
Recently, two competing explanations for this belief bias
effect have been proposed, each based on signal detection
theory. Under a response bias explanation, people set more
lenient decision criteria for believable than for unbelievable
arguments. Alternatively, believable and unbelievable
arguments may differ in subjective argument strength for both
valid and invalid items. Two experiments tested these
accounts by asking participants to assess the validity of
categorical syllogisms and rate their confidence. Conclusion-
believability was manipulated either within- or between-
groups. A two-step signal detection model was applied to
examine the effects on the relative location of the decision
threshold and the distributions of argument strength.
Equivalent belief bias effects were found when believability
was manipulated within- and between-groups, supporting the
view that the belief bias effect is due to response bias.