This SEQUAL report examines work environment conditions that impact teacher practice and well-being across center based programs in Marin County, California across the five SEQUAL domains: Teaching Supports, Learning Community, Job Crafting, and Adult Well-Being. Findings reveal both workplace supports and challenges that influence early child care educator practice, well-being and effectiveness in the classroom. Marin County is one of the wealthiest counties in the nation and early educators often struggle financially due to low compensation, making it even more important to require supportive working conditions and policies to support their practice and well-being. The findings also demonstrate the value of program policies that ensure dependable workplace supports and policies such as provisions for paid planning and reporting time.
This report is part of our Teachers’ Voices (SEQUAL) series. To facilitate bringing teachers’ voices into quality improvement strategies, the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) developed Supportive Environmental Quality Underlying Adult Learning, or SEQUAL, as a tool to document teaching staff perspectives about workplace conditions that impact their practice and program quality. SEQUAL can be used as a research, educational, or technical assistance tool.