To encode binocular disparity, the visual system determines the image patches in one eye that yield the highest correlation with patches in the other eye. The computation of interocular correlation occurs after spatiotemporal filtering of monocular signals, which leads to restrictions on disparity variations that can support depth perception. We quantified those restrictions by measuring humans' ability to see disparity variation at a wide range of spatial and temporal frequencies. Lower-disparity thresholds cut off at very low spatiotemporal frequencies, which is consistent with the behavior of V1 neurons. Those thresholds are space-time separable, suggesting that the underlying neural mechanisms are separable. We also found that upper-disparity limits were characterized by a spatiotemporal, disparity-gradient limit; to be visible, disparity variation cannot exceed a fixed amount for a given interval in space-time. Our results illustrate that the disparity variations that humans can see are very restricted compared with the corresponding luminance variations. The results also provide insight into the neural mechanisms underlying depth from disparity, such as why stimuli with long interocular delays can still yield clear depth percepts.