This study analyzed the grammatical control of verbs exercised by 145 monolingual English and Generation 1.5
bilingual developmental writers in narrative essays using
quantitative and qualitative methods. Generation 1.5 students made more errors than their monolingual peers in
each category investigated, albeit in only 2 categories was
the difference statistically significant. Yet the overall effect
was cumulative: The total number of verb errors in the essays of bilinguals was statistically larger than that in the
essays of monolinguals. Both monolingual and bilingual
writers inappropriately transferred the features of spoken
English into the written medium, and both displayed difficulties in the appropriate use of the perfect aspect. However, Generation 1.5 learners also exhibited ESL-like traits
in their writing, demonstrating a weak control of verbal
inflection. The findings suggest that explicit grammar instruction may be warranted in all Developmental Writing
classes, especially those with large proportions of Generation 1.5 learners.