This thesis presents the design of a novel active
safety system preventing unintended roadway departures. The
proposed framework unifies threat assessment, stability, and
control of passenger vehicles into a single combined optimization
problem. A nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) problem
is formulated where the nonlinear vehicle dynamics, in closed-
loop with a driver model, is used to optimize the steering and
braking actions needed to keep the driver safe. A model of the
driver's nominal behavior is estimated based on his observed
behavior. The driver commands the vehicle while the safety
system corrects the driver's steering and braking action in case
there's a risk that the vehicle will unintentionally depart the
road. The resulting predictive controller is always active and
mode switching is not necessary. We show simulation results
detailing the behavior of the proposed controller as well as
experimental results obtained by implementing the proposed
framework on embedded hardware in a passenger vehicle. The
results demonstrate the capability of the proposed controller to
detect and avoid roadway departures while avoiding unnecessary