A new parallel distributed processing (PDP) model
possessing a statistical interpretation is proposed for ex-
tracting critical psychological regularities from the tem-
poral structure of human free recall data. The model is
essentially a non-linear five parameter Jordan sequen-
tial network for predicting categorical time-series data.
T h e model consists of five parameters: an episodic
strength parameter (t/), a causal strength parameter {0),
a shared causal/episodic strength parameter (7), a work-
ing memory span parameter (//), and a number of items
recalled parameter (A). T h e "psychological validity" of
the model's parameter estimates were then evaluated
with respect to the existing experimental literature us-
ing children and adult free recall data from four stories.
The model's parameter estimates replicated and ex-
tended several previously known experimental findings.
In particular, the model showed: (i) effects of causal
structure /3, (ii) showed a decrease in (7/4-7) while /?
remained constant as retention interval increased, and
(iii) an increase in {r]+y) whileftremained constant as
subject age increased.