Quantum emulation of extreme non-equilibrium phenomena is a natural application of the precision and control of ultracold atomic physics experiments. In particular, ``Floquet engineering" with an explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonian enables the creation of states of matter that can only exist in the presence of strong driving. In this work, we create and study such tunable strongly driven quantum systems. We use quantum degenerate lithium as a platform because of its light mass, fast tunneling rates, and broadly tunable Feshbach resonance, which allow the study of a wide variety of systems: noninteracting Bosons, strongly interacting many body systems, and bright solitons, to name a few. We describe the experimental setup used to create a 7Li Bose-Einstein condensate as an archetypal quantum platform, and then discuss three key results: the first direct measurement of position-space Bloch oscillations in a cold atom system, the creation of a massive relativistic harmonic oscillator, and finally the demonstration of a new method for controlled long-range quantum coherent transport enabled by Floquet band engineering.