BDDB is a Behavioral Design Data Base that manages the design data produced and consumed by different behavioral synthesis tools. These different design tools retrieve design data from BDDB, manipulate the data, and then store the results back into the data base. BDDB thus needs to address the following two issues: (1) a design data exchange approach and (2) customized design data interfaces. To address the first issue, we have developed a textual description format for describing design data objects and relationships. This language, referred to as the Behavioral Design Data Exchange Format (BDEF), is used as common format for exchanging design data between BDDB and the design tools in the behavioral synthesis environment. To address the second issue, we have developed a behavioral object type description language (generally referred to as schema definition language) for describing the global data structures required by design tools as well as the desired design subviews of this global BDDB design information. One design view class, namely, BDEF, is the topic of this report.
In this report we give a formal definition of the BDEF format. Then we describe a comprehensive example of applying BDEF to the behavioral synthesis domain. That is, we present the complete BDEF syntax for the Extended Control/Data Flow Graph Model (ECDFG), which is the design representation model used by most behavioral synthesis tools in the UCI CADLAB synthesis system. We also present several example descriptions of designs using this ECDFG model. A parser/graph compiler from BDEF into the generalized ECDFG design representation as well as a BDEF generator from the ECDFG data structures into the BDEF format have been implemented.