Convergent and divergent thought are promoted as keyconstructs of creativity. Convergent thought is defined andmeasured in terms of the ability to perform on tasks wherethere is one correct solution, and divergent thought is definedand measured in terms of the ability to generate multiplesolutions. However, these characterizations of convergent anddivergent thought presents inconsistencies, and do not capturethe reiterative processing, or ‘honing’ of an idea thatcharacterizes creative cognition. Research on formal modelsof concepts and their interactions suggests that differentcreative outputs may be projections of the same underlyingidea at different phases of a honing process. This leads us toredefine convergent thought as thought in which the relevantconcepts are considered from conventional contexts, anddivergent thought as thought in which they are consideredfrom unconventional contexts. Implications for the assessmentof creativity are discussed.