Researchers developed Iteration-1 of a digital tablet tutorgame
exploring the impact of narratives (strong (S) vs. weak
(W)) and gestural mechanics (conceptual (C) vs. deictic (D))
on players’ understanding of mathematical fractions. In a
two-by-two factorial design, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade elementary
students at an afterschool program in Harlem, NYC
(NTTL=72; xÃÑAGE=10.31 years [1.64], 67% female) were
randomly assigned to play one of the four tutor-game
environments (SC, SD, WC, WD). Pre/post scores on formal
fractions assessments showed significant learning for all
groups. Tutor-log data revealed that students using
conceptual gestures were significantly more accurate at
estimating and denominating fractions than students using
deictic gestures. Observational notes, student exit surveys and
clinical interviews corroborated that many students used the
tutors’ gestures in their explanations of fractions. This
collection of data is used to discuss the impact of gesture and
narrative on learning fractions and digital-tutor design.