We describe an alternative approach to hand-
printed word recognition using a hybrid of proce-
dural and connectionist techniques. We utilize two
connectionist components: one to concurrently make recognition and segmentation hypotheses, and another to perform refined recognition of segmented
characters. Both networks are governed by a pro-
cedural controller which incorporates systematic do-
main knowledge and procedural algorithms to guide
W e employ an approach wherein an image is pro-
cessed over time by a spatiotemporal connectionist
network. The scheme offers several attractive fea-
tures including shift-invariance and retention of lo-
cal spatial relationships along the dimension being
temporalized, a reduction in the number of free pa-
rameters, and the ability to process arbitrarily long
Recognition results on a set of real-world isolated
ZIP code digits are comparable to the best reported
to date, with a 9 6 . 0 % recognition rate and a rate of
9 9 . 0 % w h e n 9.5% of the images are rejected.