A paramount goal in nuclear physics is to unify ab-initio treatments of bound and unboundstates. The position-space quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods have a long history of
successful bound-state calculations in light systems but have seen minimal implementation
in unbound systems. Here I introduce a numerical method to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of unbound-state calculations in QMC, implement it numerically in the definitive
computer codes for these methods, and test it out in nuclear systems small enough for quick
turnaround but large enough to have interesting dynamics. The method involves inferring
long-range amplitudes in the wave function from integrals over the small region where all the
particles interact. This approach using integral relations is well established in the literature;
here, I develop it for the QMC framework in both variational Monte Carlo (VMC) and
Green’s function Monte Carlo (GFMC) calculations. The integral method produces more
accurate scattering observables in neutron-3H scattering for VMC wave functions than direct
evaluation from the same variational wave function. Applying the integral method in Green’s
function Monte Carlo reproduces existing results in neutron-alpha scattering, clearing the
way for its use in coupled-channels problems. Establishing these methods reduces the amount
of human effort needed for a specified level of precision. It clears the way for GFMC-accurate
calculations of coupled-channels scattering, including reactions, in nuclear mass ranges that
may be permanently beyond the range of the other few-body methods.