Mexicans accounted for over 60% of the population of Hispanic origin living in the U.S. in 2021 (Moslimani et al., 2023). Second generation (i.e., people born in the U.S to first generation immigrant parents; Karthick Ramakrishnan, 2004) Mexican Americans report challenges such as feeling like foreigners (Huynh et al., 2011) and experiencing microaggressions (Sue et al., 2007). Despite facing this and many other barriers as they navigate a bicultural identity, literature suggests this population remains resilient (Holleran & Jung, 2008; Morgan Consoli et al., 2011, 2015; Safe & Umaña-Taylor, 2021). Spirituality appears to be a component of how they overcome adversities (Morgan Consoli et al., 2015). Little research has been conducted on this important facet of resilience, nor do we fully understand what spirituality looks like with these individuals. A mixed methods approach was used to explore spirituality in second generation Mexican American emerging adults. In the qualitative component, interviews were conducted in person. Participants shared experiences with spirituality and challenges they have faced which were captured in four group experiential themes: Evolving Spirituality, Adversities, Overcoming Adversity Through Spirituality, and Meaning Made in Overcoming. For the quantitative component a multiple regression analysis and found high levels of spiritual transcendence, high meaning making, and high levels of familismo significantly contribute to participants’ resilience. This dissertation contributes to the literature on spirituality in second generation Mexican American emerging adults and how they overcome adversities. Findings have implications for clinical practitioners and academic researchers working to better understand cultural values and resilience among Mexican American emerging adults.