Random illumination is proposed to enforce absolute uniqueness and resolve all
types of ambiguity, trivial or nontrivial, from phase retrieval. Almost sure irreducibility
is proved for any complex-valued object of a full rank support. While the new
irreducibility result can be viewed as a probabilistic version of the classical result by
Bruck, Sodin and Hayes, it provides a novel perspective and an effective method for phase
retrieval. In particular, almost sure uniqueness, up to a global phase, is proved for
complex-valued objects under general two-point conditions. Under a tight sector constraint
absolute uniqueness is proved to hold with probability exponentially close to unity as the
object sparsity increases. Under a magnitude constraint with random amplitude illumination,
uniqueness modulo global phase is proved to hold with probability exponentially close to
unity as object sparsity increases. For general complex-valued objects without any
constraint, almost sure uniqueness up to global phase is established with two sets of
Fourier magnitude data under two independent illuminations. Numerical experiments suggest
that random illumination essentially alleviates most, if not all, numerical problems
commonly associated with the standard phasing algorithms.