- Nguyen, Vu;
- Hasan, Nabeeh;
- De Moura, Vinicius;
- Epperson, L;
- Czaja, Christopher;
- Johnston, Helen;
- Laramee, Nicholas;
- Orten, Kelsey;
- Rivas, JulieAnna;
- Prasai, Siru;
- Grossman, Marissa;
- Perkins, Kiran;
- Griffith, David;
- Khare, Reeti;
- Strong, Michael;
- Daley, Charles
Mycobacterium abscessus is an intrinsically drug-resistant, rapidly growing, nontuberculous mycobacterium; extrapulmonary infections have been reported in association with medical tourism (1). During November-December 2022, two Colorado hospitals (hospitals A and B) treated patient A, a Colorado woman aged 30-39 years, for M. abscessus meningitis. In October 2022, she had received intrathecal donor embryonic stem cell injections in Baja California, Mexico to treat multiple sclerosis and subsequently experienced headaches and fevers, consistent with meningitis. Her cerebrospinal fluid revealed neutrophilic pleocytosis and grew M. abscessus in culture at hospital A. Hospital As physicians consulted hospital Bs infectious diseases (ID) physicians to co-manage this patient (2).