Since climate change action has been on the international agenda, policies have focused on mitigating the issue with proposals to reduce emissions and increase sinks of greenhouse gases in an attempt to limit the extent of climate change damages. However, the likelihood of slowing down climate change enough to prevent detrimental changes is quickly diminishing. The recognition of this problem is exemplified by the international climate change regime’s growing focus on measures that seek to encourage capacity-building efforts to face climate change impacts and strengthen resilience. Existing climate change impacts are especially apparent in the context of global public health. Impacts on health can be seen through victims of severe weather, heatwaves, air pollution, malnutrition, and the rise in infectious diseases. Protection against global health problems requires international cooperation and governance. The United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change has the potential to make significant advancements in addressing global health problems through its institutions, work programmes, and reporting commitments, especially those being developed under its growing adaptation regime. This Article argues that the adaptation regime is the most feasible option for alleviating climate change impacts on global public health and addresses remaining obstacles to the implementation of that regime, such as lack of funding and incentives.