Accumulation of angiotensin II (Ang II) in tissues is an Ang II receptor-mediated
process. In pigs, acute angiotensin receptor blockade (ARB) reduced
the heart-to-plasma ratio of Ang II following acute infusion. However in rats,
chronic ARB treatment increased heart Ang II levels, suggesting that a
differential response to ARB treatment may exist in the mammalian heart.
Furthermore, the changes in heart aldosterone following chronic ARB treatment
are not well described. To address the discrepancy in heart Ang II
concentrations following ARB treatment, and to address the functional relevance
of increased aldosterone in the heart two studies were undertaken. The first
study consisted of three groups (n= 6) of rats, chronically studied: (1) control; (2)
angiotensin II (Ang II; 80 ng/min for 28 d); and (3) angiotensin II + olmesartan
(ARB; 10mg/kg/d for 21 d). Ang II-infusion increased intracardiac Ang II by 40%
and intrarenal Ang II over 2-fold, and chronic ARB treatment decreased Ang II by
48% in the heart and over twofold in the kidney, suggesting that accumulation of
Ang II in the heart is receptor-mediated as in the kidney. Ang II increased plasma
aldosterone 2.5-fold and was exacerbated by ARB treatment. Intracardiac
aldosterone was exacerbated by ARB treatment in the study. Suppression of
intracardiac Ang II with ARB is consistent with the existing view of Ang II
receptor-mediated uptake by tissues.
Ang II stimulates the release of aldosterone, and the chronic blockade of
the AT1 in the previous study increased aldosterone, as did the chronic blockade
of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). To evaluate the contribution of increased
aldosterone to cardiovascular damage, an MR agonist was used in a second
study, with and without an ARB to differentially assess the contributions of the
respective receptors. This study included two additional experimental groups and
a different ARB: 1) control (n=11); 2) angiotensin II (n=14), (Ang II; 80 ng/min for
28 d); 3) angiotensin II + losartan (n=17) (ARB; 10mg/kg/d for 21 d); 4)
angiotensin II + MR blocker (n=14)(EPL; 100 mg eplerenone/kg/d in diet; Pfizer,
St. Louis, MO, and 5) angiotensin II + ARB + MR blocker (Combo)(n=14).
8-isoprostane (8-iso-prostaglandin PGF2α) is a marker of oxidative
damage and studies have shown it to be correlated to risk factors in coronary
heart disease (40, 75). Nitrotyrosine is a marker of inflammation and nitrositive
damage linked to heart disease (19, 56). Measuring these biomarkers indicates
oxidative/nitrositive damage and inflammation. Blockade of the MR had no effect
on blood pressure (158.7 ± 6.9 vs 165.1 ± 15.9 Ang II), but substantially
increased cardioprotective actions demonstrated by a 57% decrease of urinary 8-
isoprostane that was further abated when combined with the ARB achieving an
additional decrease of 27%. Additionally, the nitrotyrosine concentrations were
also ameliorated by receptor blockade; the combo blockade (54% of Control)
have a 68% decrease from the Ang II (144% of Control). The data suggests that
damage to the cardiovascular system by Ang II and aldosterone occurs via their
respective receptors and in the case of aldosterone, independent from high blood
pressure. There is evidence from the combined studies that in spite of increased
aldosterone with ARB, there is a reduction in cardiac hypertrophy, inflammation
and nitrositive damage by blocking AT1 and MR. Ang II and aldosterone both
contribute to cardiovascular damage via their respective receptors and blocking
either one still resulted in decreased oxidative damage. Blocking both receptors
did seem to add some additional improvement, but not significantly. These
mechanisms may be better explained by studying the respective signaling
pathways or looking closer at local hormone production that perhaps initiate
receptor cross-talk. Additional studies are needed to further elucidate alternate